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Automatic Waterers  Noland Freeze Guard Units


Fresh Water All The Time!

We have been using this system for nearly 30 years (photo shows one that has been in use all those years)!  This completely sealed unit uses a 40 watt heater for very low energy consumption. If installed properly, it can be used in areas with temperatures of - 60°F.  We have units in the barns as well as in the open.  There's virtually no maintenance, other than an annual  cleaning of the nipples.

Using a nipple watering system will greatly reduce labor in goat watering efforts.   The water is always available on demand...a constant clean supply.  Our average milk production showed marked improvements quickly.  Unlike other systems, there are no dangerous and high energy exposed heating elements.  There are no bowls or buckets to empty and clean.  Just stand back and watch your goats thrive!   

For best results, units should be installed with a surrounding wire panel or fence arrangement.  Also, a bed of crushed stone will insure good drainage.  This prevents wet bedding!
FRESH WATER maximizes weight gain and milk production
PENNIES a month to operate the low-watt heating element, uses only 24-48 watts, 120 volts.
SUPER INSULATION reaches below frost line for less energy in winter/cooler water in summer - high efficiently urethane foam.  Circulating baffle spreads heat out evenly.
RUGGED 1/4" PVC outer case
STAINLESS STEEL water pipe, type 304
CHOOSE from a variety of styles to accommodate your housing arrangement
INSTALL now...before the ground freezes this winter!  Installation suggestions and instructions provided.   Removable stainless steel cap provides access to junction box containing all electrical connections.
SAVES essential reason for installing automatic systems!  Think of the time and effort you can more frozen water buckets, and water is available without any additional work!  The initial investment will have paybacks for many, many years!

Prices vary depending upon the model. 


To determine LENGTH of Freeze Guard posts needed for your installation, add together the bury depth of post, (reaching below frostline in your area), and the top nipple waterer height desired.   The bury depth should be within 6" of waterline depth.  For example, if the frost line depth in your area is 24", and you wish to install a unit to allow for 36", then you need to order a 5' unit. 
If you have kids housed with mature animals, you might be best served by the two drinking height units.  If you have just kids in an area a 24" height is adequate.  For mature goats, a 36" height is very workable, although they can reach down or up, as might be necessary for your particular situation.
Recommended use is one nipple per 100 animals, although a higher concentration can be accommodated easily.  We have one two nipple waterer for approximately 200 head, and it works quite well at that rate.
For ease of barn cleaning, install along walls.   May also be installed to accommodate sharing of pens.

Go here for an installation suggestion from the manufacturer.

(Subject to change, will confirm pricing after inquiry)

Two nipples, one height

Two Nipple Outlets At One Drinking Height

Model Length Inlet
 to Outlet
Weight/ Pounds
RA 26" 7 175.00
3A 3' 11 185.00
4A 4' 14 195.00
5A 5' 18 205.00
6A 6' 22 215.00
7A 7' 25 225.00
8.5A 8'6" 29      245.00  


Two nipples, two heights

Two Nipple Outlets At Two Drinking Heights

Apart Model


Length Inlet
 to Outlet
RAB   26" 7 210.00  
3AB 3AC 3' 11 220.00 220.00
4AB 4AC 4' 14 230.00 230.00
5AB 5AC 5' 18 240.00 240.00
6AB 6AC 6' 22 250.00 250.00
7AB 7AC 7' 26 260.00 260.00
8.5AB 8.5AC 8'6" 30  280.00 280.00


Top view-Noland


Two-way outlet styles have 3 1/2" outside diameter PVC case that is 1/4" thick.
 Shipped complete with 2 nipples and heater.  Does not include thermostat. 


Four Nipple Outlets At   
  One Drinking Height

Model Length Inlet to Outlet Approx.
Weight/ Pounds
RAF 26" 8 230.00
3AF 3' 13 240.00
4AF 4' 17 255.00
5AF 5' 22 270.00
6AF 6' 27 285.00
7AF 7' 31 300.00
8.5A 8'6" 36     320.00


   Four Nipple       Outlets At   Two Drinking Heights

Model Length Inlet to Outlet Approx.
Weight/ Pounds
RABF 26" 8 260.00
3ABF 3' 13 270.00
4ABF 4' 17 285.00
5ABF 5' 22 300.00
6ABF 6' 27 315.00
7ABF 7' 31 330.00
8.5ABF 8'6" 36     350.00
Four-way outlet styles have 4 1/2" outside diameter PVC outer case that is 1/4" thick.  Shipped complete with 4 nipples and 2 heaters.  Does not include thermostat
Thermostat.  Fits in junction box under cap of Freeze Guard or in tee or elbow of line.  One thermostat will handle up to 10 Freeze Guards or 500 watts of heater elements.  Part Number F430.  $16.00.
Use in place of a nipple for an extra water tap. 1/2" male pipe  thread inlet.   Part Number F901. $30.00.
Stainless Steel Nipple, with playguard. Part Number F744. $9.50  Brass nipple for dogs, Part Number F737. $8.50

Due to the wide variety of styles and specifications, these units are not currently in our shopping card.  Please write to us for complete pricing including shipping to your area.



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Khimaira ~ 2974 Stonyman Road ~ Luray VA  22835 USA ~ 540.743.4628 Voice ~ 540.743.7932 Fax
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