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 We are closing out our stock of plastic chain!! 
Please check for color availabilities below. This is not the 'cheap' stuff!  This is the same high quality chain we have always sold and far surpasses the cheaper quality chain many places offer, at a price even lower that they offer! 
Order with a friend and take advantage of this great discount pricing!

Plastic Chain

Link colors shown: (First Group) Blue, Black, Copper
(Second Group) Red, Bronze, Gold, Silver, Green

The BEST quality - at the BEST price!
This chain has many uses!  Made in the USA, we've sold it to buyers around the world - for a wide variety of uses!  See it "in action" at the White House, Disney World, airports and other interesting spots!  Popular for theater and movie props, crowd control, marking off parking areas or car lots, fun charm necklaces and more! Many uses for around the farm and ranch, such as closing gates, leads, dog collars.  Used in laboratories and factories. Great for hanging bird toys in bird cages. Won't rust and lightweight!

This is the first item we carried...over 30 years ago!  After loosing an animal that was hung in a tree while wearing a nylon collar, we were looking for a different product to use for  collars for our goats.  This plastic chain is not the cheaper, lighter or flimsy quality often seen in discount stores and other animal supply companies.   It's strong, yet lightweight, and has ultraviolet stabilizers to help retain the colors. 

Our favorite feature is the connecting link, which will release if an animal is caught in a fence or tree. (No collar can be guaranteed to release, but we've had 100% success with our herd). Better to lose a collar than lose the goat!    Under normal use for leading, it will hold the animal quite well.

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Currently, we have the standard #6 size in a variety of colors.   The #6 connecting links are also available in some of these colors.   It is strong (not advisable for overhead hanging of heavy items), durable, and has ultraviolet stabilizers to reduce fading, which most other chain does not. Chain is only $.65 per foot, and the connecting links are $.35 each.   Each link measures approximately 1 1/2 inches (outside measurements). 

Suggested use quantities:

Kids- yearlings: 16-18"

Mature does - 20-24"

Bucks - 30-40"

Chain is sold in bulk, by the foot, so when you reach the Shopping Cart, just indicate the number of feet you need by changing the Quantity.  The precut lengths (40") are sold as "each".

Note: Phosphorus Chain is an off white color - glows in the dark!


Item #

Bulk Plastic Chain
Please note that white and bulk yellow chain is slightly lighter in weight than other colors, as it is from a different manufacturer.

$.65 per foot
(Suggested retail is $.78/foot


Plastic Chain- 40" Length

Suggested retail is $3.00
Our value @.65/foot - $2.60
  On sale for $2.00
(41 links
of chain - makes 2 - 20" collars)

See Closeout pricing on yellow and brown below


Plastic Chain- Connecting Link

Suggested retail is $.50 each
Our price $.35 each

See Closeout pricing below


Plastic Chain- Connecting Link


Suggested retail is $.50 each
Bag of 25 - one color


See Closeout pricing below




Item #

Bulk Plastic Chain

CLOSEOUT $40.00 - 100
Retail Value $78.00


Plastic Chain- 40" Length- Yellow

CLOSEOUT $15.00 - 10
(41 links
of chain - makes 2 - 20" collars)
Retail value $30.00


Plastic Chain- Connecting Link


Bag of 100 - one color
Retail value $50.00



Contact Us with questions or comments about this web site.
All artwork is the property of Khimaira.
Khimaira ~ 2974 Stonyman Road ~ Luray VA  22835 USA ~ 540.743.4628 Voice ~ 540.743.7932 Fax
Member of Luray-Page County Chamber of Commerce.
Copyright � 1998-2020 Khimaira
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